To order a repeat prescription
The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:
- contact your nominated pharmacy
- using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
- using your Patient Access account
If you do not have your login details, please bring your Photo ID to the surgery and we can set it up for you.
These accounts show you all your repeat medicine and dosage and you can choose the ones you need.
You can also bring the paper form to the surgery, Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.30pm.
We do not take repeat prescription requests over the phone or email.
Prescription requests takes up to three working days so please ensure you put the request in on time to ensure you do not run out of your medication. You should attend the doctor at regular intervals to ensure your drugs are working correctly. The doctor may on occasion ask to see you before issuing the prescription.
Electronic prescriptions service (EPS)
If you get regular prescriptions or are already using a prescription collection service (where a pharmacy collects prescriptions from your GP practice for you) then choosing a pharmacy to dispense all your prescriptions may save you time by avoiding unnecessary trips to your GP.
You will still order your repeat prescriptions in the same way as you do now, but your prescriptions will be sent electronically to the pharmacy or dispenser of your choice.
You will not have to collect a paper repeat prescription from your GP practice.
You can nominate a pharmacy, or change your nominated pharmacy, using your NHS account on the NHS website or NHS App.
The NHS website contains further information on EPS.
Medication reviews
We have a duty to review your health and medicines regularly. We will let you know if you need to make an appointment for a medication review with either a practice nurse or your doctor.
If you need urgent advice about your medication outside our surgery hours, please call NHS 111.
NHS prescription charges and exemptions
The NHS website provides information on prescription charges and exemption criteria.